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Version: v4.5.0


These are the commands for StackSpot legacy. You need to use stk-legacy.

STK CLI commands can be divided into three categories:

  • Core Commands: Used by both creator and user;
  • Creator Commands: Used to create Stacks, that is, commands focused on the creation and availability of Templates, Plugins, Stacks, and Stackfiles;
  • User Commands: Used to use Stacks available for creating applications and environments;
  • Enterprise Commands: Used exclusively in the Enterprise version of StackSpot.

Core Commands

stk-legacy initUsed in the initialization and configuration of the STK CLI tool in your environment.
stk-legacy --help--help shows more information about the commands and their parameters.
stk-legacy --versionIt shows the current version installed.
stk-legacy upgradeUpdates the CLI version when a new one is available.

Creator Commands

stk-legacy create stackCreates a repository for the Stack of Templates and Plugins.
stk-legacy delete stackRemoves a Stack that was previously imported with the stk-legacy import stack command.
stk-legacy create templateCreates the structure of a Stack Template that contains the files needed to create a Template.
stk-legacy add templateAdds templates to the stacks already created by the stk-legacy create stack command.
stk-legacy delete templateRemove Templates within a Stack project.
stk-legacy create pluginAllows you to create new Plugins for StackSpot.
stk-legacy add pluginAdds Plugins to Stacks already created by the stk-legacy create stack command.
stk-legacy delete pluginRemove Plugins within a Stack project.
stk-legacy create stackfileCreates a base file from a Stackfile in the current directory.
stk-legacy create taskCreates a base file of a task in the current stack.

User Commands

stk-legacy import stackAdds a Stack to your project.
stk-legacy update stackUpdates all Stacks available in StackSpot or any other in your application.
stk-legacy list stackLists the available stacks from the installation or that have been added by the stk-legacy add stack command. Filters the Stacks by their name or by description with the --filter parameter.
stk-legacylist templateReturns a list of all the Templates available in the user's Stacks.
stk-legacy list pluginLists the Plugins available in the official StackSpot Stack, and those added by the user himself. Filters the Plugins by type, allowing the user to know which ones apply in an application Stack or in an environment Stack.
stk-legacy list taskReturns a list of all the tasks available in the user's stack.
stk-legacy apply pluginAdds new functionality to your environment and application design.
stk-legacy list stackfileLists the Stackfiles available by default in the Stacks installed on the STK CLI.
stk-legacy create appCreate an app to implement the functionality of an application. You can relate this app to an environment to make use of shared resources defined in it, and also assign a remote Git repository for the app.
stk-legacy runExecute the commands defined in the task used as argument.

Enterprise Commands

stk-legacy loginLogs into a StackSpot Enterprise account.
stk-legacy logoutRealiza o logout da conta do StackSpot Enterprise.

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